Condor, a Thoroughbred/Holsteiner jumper, with dangerous behavior.

Condor the horse

“Condor is a Thoroughbred/Holsteiner jumper who is out of a very sweet mare I own. I contacted Lynn about Puppy due to his lack of work ethic and his mean and dangerous behavior. He has done lots of nasty things since he was young. An example would be when he has swung his butt over and pinned me in the crossties and then cow kicked me. Not too nice. Also he does crazy things. He’ll sometimes be trotting along calmly and then for no apparent reason rear, spin and gallop off. When I ride him he often clearly demonstrates how he really does not want to do any work. I will ask him to canter and he will pin his ears and not move forward properly because he would rather be in his stall hanging out with his buddies. The exception is on the days he gets to jump. He thinks jumping is fun so he is usually a little angel but anything he considers work he does not do willingly much of the time. When Lynn tuned in to him she sensed that there was a rift between his behavior and his true being. Puppy was acting from an energetic imprint directing his behavior, an imprint that carried the energy of an original wounding that was not done directly to him. Lynn was clued into this by three things. First, his behavior was not consistent with who he was showing her he was, his soul/heart energy. Second, he had a wonderful mother and no bad experiences. Also, many of the offspring of this stallion have a reputation for being nasty and loony. Lynn traced the origin of the imprint and found that it was programmed into the line from an original trauma to a stallion long ago and passed to the offspring in the form of an energy imprint carried through the babies. It was the original imprint that she cleared and thus down the line. His original name Puppy no longer fit him. He selected his own new name Condor. It is a name that fully held the power of flight and vision and nature of his true self. Condor’s behavior has greatly improved since the session with Lynn. He is getting more and more safe to work around and ride as time goes on. He seems to be more focused on his job. I am very pleased with his progress!”

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Khara Wolf

Hi, I’m Khara Wolf, the owner of Websites by Khara, a web design and SEO company for small business. With 12 years of professional experience in marketing, graphic design, website design and development, and SEO, I serve clients in Durango Colorado and worldwide. As a Squarespace website designer and certified SEO expert, I am passionate about providing educational resources to help small business owners move the revenue needle.

Turby, a horse that was in pain and resistant to being worked with.


Annapuma, a Thoroughbred mare, with colic.